Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What I've Been Listening To - December 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just realized that it is the day before Christmas and I have not written about what I've been listening to for the month of December!!!!! The horror.........Anyways, here's what my ears have been enjoying this month.

If you have not seen Catching Fire yet, then you need to shut your computer off and GO NOW.  It is amazing, awesome, etc.  And the soundtrack is even better.  Here's one of my favorites by Coldplay, "Atlas".

Christina Perri is probably best known by the world from her single, "Jar of Hearts" from a few years ago.  But the first single from her next album is BRILLIANT.  It is raw and emotional and I find myself singing to it when I am home by myself. 

If you don't know that Beyonce dropped a super secret album a few weeks ago, THEN HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK?!?!?   I will never forget the moment I found out that she dropped an album.  It was close to midnight, everyone in the house was asleep, and I had no clue who to talk to about it.  Even though she has been getting some flack about the explicit lyrics and how different it is from other music she has done, every artist has to evolve throughout their career. Personally,  I think her new album is GENIUS.  Here's her first single, "XO".

I'm not sure who else watches The X Factor, but I am so happy that Alex and Sierra won this last season.  I loved every performance they did on the show and I can actually see myself buying their album.  Here's one of my favorite performances they did this season, a cover of Sara Bareilles' song, "Gravity".

Last, but certainly not least, is Ray LaMontagne.  I haven't listened to much of him in the past, but I listened to some of his stuff the other day and just really liked it.  Here's one of his songs I really enjoy, "Hannah".

I feel like it is only fitting that I end this with a Christmas song, so here is one I have been enjoying this season, Leona Lewis' song "One More Sleep".