Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Positive Patty" versus "Negative Nancy": Living a Positive Life

"Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full type of person?"

That's the question, isn't it?  In the past few weeks, I feel like the topics of positivity and optimism have come up a lot in my life.  So, I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the subjects.

I've always considered myself a "glass half full" type of person.  I believe that things happen for a reason and that God puts us through certain trials and journeys in order to teach us a lesson or to redirect our path.  When we are going through a tough time, it's easy to think, "Why?  Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?"  But, what we really should be thinking is, "Why not me? I am loved.  I am strong.  I will persevere."  Remember:

When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, I am not going to lie, the thought "Why me?" did cross my mind in the early days after my diagnosis.  But I began to think that maybe I was going through this journey for SOME reason.  As I look back on it now, I look at it with a positive attitude because I grew and I learned from that experience.  And it taught me more about how to live a positive life.

Life is precious gift and to lead a life with a negative mind will only leave you with a negative life.  No matter what you are going through, things can always be worse.  I believe that each day is a blessing and that we should make each one count for something.  When I am an old grandma sitting in my rocking chair on my front porch, I want to look back on my life and say, "Yea, I went through some hard times.  But I got through them and made the best of them.  I learned from each one and despite those trials, I made sure that each day was filled with smiles, laughter, and love."

Next time you are going through a rough patch and are feeling a bit like a "negative Nancy", try looking on the brighter side of things.  You'll be surprised what you find.  

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